


13 ways to live longer life

13 ways to prolong life
Hedavno scientists from the University Hospital of Geneva identified 13 ways to prolong life - they are now hotly debated all over Europe.
1 Read upside down. Precede svomozgom non-trivial tasks, crossword puzzles, learn verses.
Studies in the UK have proved that among men mental workers mortality below ... 4 times!
2 Add the tomatoes to sandwiches. If your daily diet to introduce a bit of tomato, the risk of cardiovascular
diseases will decline by as much as 30% because they are rich in potassium.
3 Do not quarrel with the family. Try to regularly communicate with their relatives. According to experts from the Medical
School at Harvard, stay close to blood relatives normalizes blood pressure, as well as ... to help fight
c bad habits.
4 Marry. As shown by the Italian study, which lasted for 20 years,
Married men live for 3 years longer than bachelors.
5-Get rid of the alarm. Especially when it is ringing loudly, and from the kettle with a whistle,
Timer and other violent offenders tishiny.Soglasno Japanese studies, a sudden loud noise increases
risk of heart attack in people with high blood pressure.
6 Eat bread crusts. They contain 8 times more anti-cancer antioxidant pronillizina than the whole loaf.
7 Ignore the public opinion. According to research by German scientists, you will live longer if you do not
worry about what people think about you around. For the brave psychologists recommend is extreme exercise: a
repeat the name aloud transport stops after the driver. First, you will be uncomfortable, but then you learn
to ignore the reaction of others.
8-Get a pet. As experiments prove the scientists from different countries, the owners of dogs and cats
less prone to stress, moreover, they have lower blood pressure.
9 Love chocolate. According to a study at the Harvard School of Public Health, people who consume
chocolate in moderation live longer than those who love sweets. In pure chocolate contains
chemicals called polyphenols, which prevent the development of cancer and heart disease ..
10-Learn. Start learning the language and possess playing a musical instrument. Many long-lived, having crossed the 100-year-old
threshold, say owe it to the new passionate hobby, which simply ... distract them from thoughts of death.
11 Listen to classical music. As proven by studies at Oxford University, and Beethoven, for example, reduces
blood pressure and relaxes the muscles.
12 Make friends with the sun. If you avoid its rays to protect against skin cancer, do not forget to take vitamin
D. It reduces the risk of diabetes and helps fight depression, which is known to be triggers many
fatal diseases.
Take the 13 dances. According to French researchers, the most useful for the longevity of the dance - it's salsa.
Strengthens the spine, develops lungs, even helps get rid of asthma.